Projet Malaisie - Monsoon
Effect on Beach Morphodynamics and Sediment Transport along the East Coast of Peninsular MALAYSIA: Erosion, Risks and Vulnerability
Project managers : Effi Helmy Ariffin (UMT-Malaisie), Mohd Fadzil Akhir (UMT - Malaisie), Mouncef Sedrati (LGO-UBS)
Project leaders : University Malaysia Terengganu
Funding : University Malaysia Terengganu & Campus France.
Length of the project :
The rapid erosion along the Terengganu coast is caused by several processes acting in concert. These are natural processes that occur frequently (monsoon storm), and anthropogenic activities such as airport runaway and coastal defences. This coast has experienced two monsoon periods per year, the northeast monsoon (monsoon storm) and the southwest monsoon.

Location of the studied areas

Photographs of the different acquisition campaigns in the studied areas (beaches : UMT, Teluk Ketapung, Kuala Ibai & Marang)
Monsoon Project Partners