Rue André Lwoff - 56000 VANNES
+33 (0)2 97 01 71 58

Bachelor of Science degree

Bachelor of Science degree

Environmental sciences program


The Bachelor of Science degree Earth and Life sciences (S.V.T) includes a three-year course.

The licence 1 offers a set of mandatory core courses (representing 70% of the total courses) in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, mathematics for life sciences, physical sciences, and English. Optional courses (30%) allow students to explore other scientific disciplines related to life and earth sciences (examples: physiology, geosciences, or ecology-ethology).

During licence 2, mandatory core courses in biology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, and ecology account for 50% of the courses. The selection of other courses foreshadows the path taken in the third year within the Bachelor's degree program in Life and Earth Sciences. The Geo-Ocean Laboratory plays a significant role, especially during the SE track.

Skills and knowledge

Mastering fundamental knowledge in main scientific fields,

Understanding the environmental studying methods,

Mastering different approaches with varying scales,

Develop field work methods

Carry out data collect, analyze the results and prepare various documents : protocols, activity reports...

Prepare students for their professional project trhough the teaching unit entitled "personal and professional project" [semester 5] and through a 2 or 3-months internship [semester 6].

Program content

The courses provided aim to provide students with fundamental and applied knowledge as well as methodological tools to allow them to understand the major fieds of biology both at the level of organisms and environments. To this end, the training provides students with knowledge in the interdisciplinary fields of biology, ecology and geosciences. Practical lessons and field works are particularly developed and represent more than a third of the hourly volume of the program.
This training also encourages international mobility for students who wish to validate a semester or a year in a foreign partner university (Europe and Canada).
Les unités d’enseignement sont présentées dans la plaquette de la formation téléchargeable ci-dessous.


Students can do a voluntary internship in 1st year and 2nd year, and must complete a compulsory internship of at least 2 months (3 months if the internship is in a foreign country) at the end of the 3rd year.

Conditions d'admission

1st year
A General Baccalaureate, or a Technology Baccalaureate, or DAEU B (Diplôme d'Accès aux Études Universitaires)

2nd or 3rd year
An advanced technician's certificate or DUT ( Technical University Degree). Applications need to be carried out online (

Click here to see the admission procedure.

Formation continue : The Education administration service provides adults who wish to resume their studies or validate their skills with support on courses and funding.

Referencing and financing of the degree :

Code RNCP : 24532
Code CPF : 239792

International studies opportunities

This degree also encourages international mobility for students who whish to validate a semester or a year in a foreign university (Europe and Canada).
The 3rd year internship (semester 6) can be carried out in a foreign country.

Studies opportunities

Master's degree on Environments - Earth and Planets Sciences specialized in Ingénierie et Gestion des REssources Côtières et Littorales (IGREC) at the University of Southern Brittany

Teaching jobs

Other Masters' degrees :
> Habitats and watersheds management
> Earth and Life sciences
> Life and Environment sciences
> Rural environments and peri-urbanization
> Land settlement issues - Environment - Development
> Eco-engineering of wetlands
> Environment - Ecology
> Environment of littoral spaces
> Universe sciences
> Ecology
> Systematic Evolution Paleontology
> ...

Jobs opportunities

After graduating from a Bachelor of Science degree, students can :

Become laboratory technicians,
Continue with a Master's degree to become engineers, project managers...
Continue in a Engineer School to become engineers
Pass a competitive examination to enter territorial public services
