Rue André Lwoff - 56000 VANNES
+33 (0)2 97 01 71 58




Geomorphological control on OFfshore BOULDERS transport along a wave dominated coast

Project managers : Mouncef Sedrati (LGO-UBS)

Project leaders : LGO UMR CNRS 6538 – UBS

Funding : ISblue (École interdisciplinaire de recherche pour la planète bleue) & LGO-UBS

Length of the project :


On most of the rocky coasts of the world, coastal deposits of rock bouldersare frequently observed along the edges of rock platforms or at the top of rocky cliffs at different heights. Its deposits are organized in the form of distinct ridges, berms and mounds. These boulders are often described as boulders detached from the edges of the coastal platform, then transported and deposited along cliff tops and rocky shores. The size and shape of the boulders are determined by the litho-structural characteristics of the rock platforms and their transverse and longitudinal mobility on the rock platform is generally attributed to high-energy events (tsunamis, hurricanes or severe storms), but interpretation is difficult along coastlines where storms and tsunamis have occurred in the past, especially where marine deposits at high elevations are also present.

The main purpose of this project is toexamine the mechanisms of transverse mobility (onshore and mainly offshore) of emerged and submerged boulders from a deterministic and experimental approach on the site of Laghdira beach, Larache - Morocco.

Experimental device of the Gof-Boulders project

Measure of Bouldersaxes(A, B, C) Boulders

Project team - Mission 1 (Port of Larache - September 2019)

Oblique photo of the study site with the location of the emerged Boulders and the boat that accompanies the divers during Mission 1 of September 2019 (at the bottom left of the photo)

Diver at sea and Axis Measurement, marking and photography to the scale of a submerged Boulder Boulder immergé

Example of a drone photo of the site with the location of a photogrammetry target (40 cm X 40 cm) (yellow arrow) and the location of a Boulders ridge (red arrow)

Project partners of GOF-BOULDERS

